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We provide teacher training through the Ministry of education teacher training institutions.

We offer either 30 hour or 60 hour trainings for school staff or kindergarten teachers.

These trainings provide tools to work with an wide array of educational frameworks using council – whether with students, teachers, staff or parents.

We have trained hundreds of educators over the years in various frameworks, in both Jewish and Arab communities.
The essence of the language of council is the connection

between head and heart: when we speak from the heart and listen from the heart, there is wisdom and understanding that would not otherwise be found. Deep connections are created and so too the wisdom of the circle is created. Each circle has its unique wisdom, built on the voices of its participants.

Why is the Council Training valuable?
We believe this is the way to communicate from a young age, a way to create a solid base, a space which invites learning. We train teachers, kindergarten teachers and educators to facilitate circles in order to create heart conversation and deep empathic listening, which open a space for all the participants.

In our time it is most important to teach this from a young age not only to aid their learning of curriculum. In a society where verbal violence can already be found often in schools aimed at each other and at teachers and staff as well, we hope to help build relational skills from a young age.

Council is suitable for work in class, in teachers meetings and in parent-teacher meetings.

Trainings can be done on site or on zoom, as we have much experience in long distance training as well as in person, although we much prefer the teaching teachers face to face, in the work place.

Trainings are offered in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

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We met Council 20 years ago through teachers who arrived from the USA, and remain connected with us today.
Council originated in the US, and has spread to the world over the years.

In 2003, together with other facilitators and trainers we founded the Maagal Hakshava organization – Council Training Israel NGO, which is the official Israeli Council training organization and connection with the world wide organization, Ways of Council.


We did this for we saw the importance of teaching authentic heart listening and speaking, as the basis for all relationships – in family, workplace, couples and friendship: anything we need to do with others is dependent upon relationship built with and supported by those who are with us. So the quality of our lives is based on our ability to create quality of relationship.

We have years of experience facilitation council in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

Interested in hearing more about our Council Circles?

Contact us:

Itaf Awad - 972-50-763-7058        Aura Hammer - 972-54-692-4044

Photos from a variety of Council Circles

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